Real and Reality are two different concepts. The pen and paper I used to put this rant on, is real. The meaning, which everyone will derive from the following lines, as per their IQ, EQ, what not Q, is their reality.
We are currently living in lavish houses, furnished and filled with magnificent pieces of art and comfort, all is real. But we don’t have time to share our experiences, most of the weekdays these, houses have empty people passing their time, missing the good ol’ days, is my friends our reality.
It seems to me everyone has their own version of reality. There could even be two or more than two versions. All correct and absolute within themselves.
Here are some incorrect versions too, which ran for quite some time until, things changed,
- The Earth is the centre of the Universe. Most of us would have heard this one.
- God when hungry starts drinking milk through their idols in temples. They don’t like the daily what nots offered to them, but then milk is special. That too full cream, polypacked.
Reality is what Reality is made to be. Similarly Life is what life is made to be. Hence we may say, Reality is what life is made to be.
B=C hence A=C. Remember what it was called?
Lets for the time being consider the reality of life. It mostly exists in two states, alive or dead. Any day anytime, the probability of you being alive is same as that of being dead. Simple mathematics. Although the probability of being dead, in a certain way, at a certain time, at the hands of certain someone is miniscule. Say by being pushed of the 40th floor of building in New Delhi, by Yetis, for making the glaciers recede. That is very highly improbable.
A very famous mantra on this note is, “Live everyday as it is your last day”. I recently heard it in a movie too. The main protagonist mentioned that’s how he lived everyday. Lets imagine the consequences of you trying the same thing in this real world.
Day 1 Wake up, don’t brush your teeth. I know at lot of people who don’t do it even if its not their last day. Take no bath. If you have a taste for alcoholic beverages, maybe gulp down a bottle or two of your favourite drink.
Won’t go to work, or any institution of study, or learning. What’s use of learning anything new when you won’t last the day.
Lastly but not the least, you would definitely want to break a law. Do something that you always wanted but never ventured because of a slight fear of prison/legal hassles. Rob a bank, kill someone, maybe some other vile crime, beyond the scope of this blog.
Rest assured by the day ended, you would be drunk, behind bars, broke and mostly probably just half dead. Far from the morning target you started your day with. Believe me. This will happen.
On the other hand, there is one more option. You still get up believing today is your last day. Yes there is a 50 percent chance it would be. You use common sense and do everything in balance, so that you can again wake up tomorrow, feeling the same way, doing things you enjoy doing. Making a better reality.
Using common sense does not reduce your chances of being dead today. But it does makes sure you don’t die by the kitchen knife while applying butter to your toast.
Keeping it simple, as unlike my other rants, reality is what you make of it. Make of whatever is happening around you. Whatever you are contributing in all your senses towards passing your time on this planet, world, home, office, park, park bench for that matter.
Its the care in your mom’s advice. Its the caution in your dad hmmph. Its the love in coo cooing of your name by certain someone. It’s not in just the good things, its also in the broken fender of your car, in the anger of the driver you just overtook without warning.
Reality is all that what makes you feel alive at the end of the day. On a particular day, if you do end up being dead, reality is no good for you anyhow.